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12 Chisham Ave

Kwinana Town Centre WA

(08) 9439 4405

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Mon - Thurs: 8:30 - 4:30

Fridays: 8:00 - 4:00 | Closed Sat/Sun

Benefits of using a property manager

Click this image to learn how to get the right tenant

Even if you live within a few kilometres of your rental property, it is still a wise investment to hire a residential property management company to take care of your property and its tenants.

When property owners invest in real estate, the idea is to maximize their profits.  The truth is that time is money, and maintaining a property with tenants can take a lot of time. If you value your time and want to spend that time finding ways to generate more revenue, then you need to look into hiring a residential property manager.

The key to finding a good residential property management company is considering your options by getting a few different quotes and asking any questions you may have. The fact that a good residential property management company can save time is a definite benefit but there are other reasons why hiring a management company is in the best interests of any real estate investor. 

  • Your property manager is trained to be on the lookout for maintenance items that may cause issues in the future so that you can rectify them in a timely manner as tenants are not always inclined to report maintenance directly to the owner
  • Your property manager builds a rapport with your tenant for easier commination
  • Your property manager will educate your tenant to look after your property
  • Can help you to understand the legislation around the Residential Tenancy ACT
  • Assist you to navigate through difficult situations 
  • Handle the day to day managing of your property
  • Organise trade quotes, works and repair on your behalf

The list goes on and on. Each property, tenant and owner are unique in the services they require. Talking to your potential property manager about what services you would like and what services they offer will work to benefit not only you but also the agency and your tenant. 

The ultimate benefit is that you can rest easy knowing that your property is being taken care of by an agency you trust to do it all for you.

Property Management

Landlord Insurance

LANDLORD INSURANCE It is vital that you protect yourself and your valuable investment property with adequate insurance. This covers you for rent arrears, malicious damage, accidental damage, contents e.g. carpets, blinds, light fittings and furniture, deliberate damage, legal expenses etc.
You can learn more about the Encore Property Real Estate services by clicking here >>